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Welcome all Welcome to Juniper and McKown Points and to the Juniper Point Village Improvement Society (JPVIS). For over 100 years our association has brought our community together through sponsored activities, recreational facilities and appreciation of our beautiful Maine setting. JPVIS maintains two boating docks, a swimming float by the beach, a Community House, walking paths and four clay tennis courts. The association employs a Tennis & Recreation Director, runs extensive tennis clinics for junior and senior members, fields a Junior Tennis Team, and sponsors activities such as lobster bake, kids' field days, island picnics, pot-luck suppers, chowder cook off, and informal tennis tournaments. |
Special Notice Chowder cook off will be held August 17th, at our Community house, starting 5pm. Tickets sold at the door; $17 for adults, $7 for children 10 and under
To purchase a guest pass: Click on the JPVIS Day Pass Adult below to purchase your pass and process payment online.
Weekly Junior events SUNDAYS 6:30 PM: Ice Cream Social - Join us for ice cream cones, sundaes, and games every Sunday! TUESDAYS 6:30 PM: Movie Night - We will show a movie at the Community House and serve snacks! Check in with Dave Taylor for details. | Calendar of events